
Real-life cases

The TEAMS Blueprint, based on the Teams Gap analysis,  offers the possibility for students to start any idea for an innovative product or service fit for the maritime sector.

The TEAMS project aims to close the gap between industry and education by using real-life cases of maritime businesses. The use of real-life cases from real companies has proven to rocket the motivation of students and contributes to a more active involvement of industry in maritime education. Both maritime educational institutes as well as the maritime industry acknowledge the need for maritime studies to focus more on 21st century and entrepreneurial skills.

The project partners jointly encourage maritime companies to offer real-life cases on generic or specific challenges they encounter. These cases will focus on, but are not limited to, sustainability challenges, such as energy efficiency, zero emission or reduction of ecological footprint. Real-life challenges that could foster innovation, design thinking and entrepreneurial skills among students.

On this page you will find a real-life case book, composed over the course of the TEAMS project and used by TEAMS partners in various countries. By disclosing these real-life cases, we hope to inspire other educational institutes to start with problem-based education. The cases presented in the case book all follow a certain template, specifically designed for easy use. Each case contains e.g. a clear description of the entrepreneurial challenge, (minimum requirements for) expected outcomes, as well as specific questions to be answered. Besides, each case will indicate the educational programme, level and year of study the case is designed for, as well as the number of credits (ECU) for the students.